
Scientists Find Possible Link Between Contraceptive Pill and Depression 

The University of Copenhagen administered a national study and found a potential link between pharmaceutical contraceptives and depression in young women. The study included one million Danish women between the ages of 15 and 34, making the study the largest of its kind.

The Danish study's researchers discovered that women who took the birth combined oral contraceptive were 23% likelier to develop depression, while those who took progestin-only pills (otherwise known as mini-pills) were 34% more likely to exhibit depressive feelings. 

The investigative team's conclusions then determined that teenage girls who took the pill were as high as 80% likelier to develop depression. In contrast, those who took the mini-pill were twice as likely as those who took a combination of the two. 

Further research found that young women who took some alternative to birth control pills - IUS/coil, patch, or ring - were at a considerable greater risk of developing depression than either group taking the pill/mini-pill.

Doctors Can No Longer Ignore it. 

The University of Copenhagen's findings were disturbing when the significant number of women affected in the study was just a small representation of a much larger demographic. There are currently millions of young women who are presently taking a daily regimen of pills that could cause severe psychological illness.

Not to mention, these unaware teenage girls and young women are encouraged to take these pills by their family physician. 

So, should parents put their teenage daughter on a contraceptive?

There are two schools of thought: while Putting your child on a contraceptive is risky, so is the alternative. It depends on the state of the teen's mental health. If they are susceptible to depression or anxiety, birth control of any kind is probably dangerous, and therefore, a bad idea.  

In the end, it is up to parents to decide whether or not their daughter is psychologically suited to confront the potential dangers of taking birth control. Though, there are new advances in contraceptives that may be an option for parents to consider.

Advances in Birth Control May Be a Good Alternative for Teens 

We have seen progress in developing new alternatives to mainstream birth control (birth control pills, patches, rings, IUS/coil). One of these newly produced alternatives is long-acting reversible contraceptives ( LARCs). 

LARCs, and other cutting-edge birth control innovations like it are giving behavioral experts plenty of optimism.  Promising data shows that LARCs eliminates the need to take a pill every day and. What's more, LARCs have been shown to have less severe side effects than multi-symptomatic birth control pills. 

However, due to their cutting-edge and revolutionary nature, birth control methods also lack significant studies and trials.

That said, preliminary findings suggest that LARCs may be the best option for parents who are wary of the possible depressive side effects that traditional birth control may have on their daughter.

What to do If Birth Control Has Caused Mental Health-related Issues in Your Daughter

While the mental health side-effects of birth control are serious, they are also highly treatable. The important thing for parents to remember is that early intervention is key. 

If your daughter is experiencing or displaying any signs of mental health-related issues, it's important to act fast and seek appropriate forms of therapy. The type of therapy your daughter needs depends on the severity of their issues.

Major depression can be treated with traditional talk therapy; other more severe mental health-related issues may require more intensive outpatient or inpatient interventions. 

For instance, if your daughter has developed co-occurring issues such as substance abuse or addiction-related behaviors, experts highly encourage parents to seek out residential treatments such as residential treatment centers or therapeutic boarding schools designed to treat mental health disorders to rehabilitate substance abuse and addiction-related issues.  

Clearview Girls Academy 

Clearview Girls Academy is a Christian therapeutic boarding school for troubled teenage girls. With over 25 years of experience, we offer therapeutic counseling for girls with adoption issues such as reactive attachment disorder, self-harm and self-mutilation or cutting, or eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, and anorexia nervosa. Other behavioral issues we treat include defiance, depression, post-traumatic stress, abuse, and/or general anxiety.

Just as important, we encourage troubled girls to seek truth and trust in the Holy Spirit, our Holy Comforter who was given to all believers in Christ. At Clearview, we coach and train our students to seek, trust, and rely on the Holy Spirit, who is their comforter.

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” - John 10:10

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